Salvage Solitude 8140

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You have awoken on the abandoned station, Solitude 8140, far off in a desolate corner of the universe.

You have no idea who you are or what you're doing here, but you know that something isn't right.

Bring Solitude 8140 back online by repairing all the rooms.

Rooms are color coded:

  • Red rooms are damaged and do not hold air.
  • Teal rooms are rooms that do not have working air systems.
  • Yellow rooms are rooms that are filling up with air.
  • White rooms are in good condition.

Rooms can have things in them that need to be repaired:

  • Power Generators - Supplies 4 MW to the station.
  • Medibay - Requires 1MW, Heals player.
  • Resupply Locker - Requires 1MW, Resupplies player.
  • Shield Generator - Requires 1MW, repairs rooms with expanding radius.
  • Air generator - Requires 1MW, supplies air to rooms with exapdning radius, so long as the rooms are undamaged.

You have on your person:

  • Your legs (WASD KEYS for movement, LEFT SHIFT to run).
  • Your repair gun (MOUSE to aim, LEFT MOUSE BUTTON to repair).
  • Your free hand (E KEY to use things).


  • Always have an escape plan; no one can hear you when you're suffocating in space.
  • Try to repair a resupply locker before you run out of ammo in your repair gun.
  • Only repair and activate generators when you're sure you need them. Everything seems to be in limited supply.

This game was made by @josefnpat for the September 2015 OneGameAMonth challenge.

3D Models were made by Arjan Oudendijk

Music & SFX were made by Ran Schonewille.

This game was made with the experimental Unity 5.1.0f3 Linux release.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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System requirements for Linux

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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