Take the fight to the Mafia!
DashSpace / Enter/ CSouth Face Button / Right Trigger
PauseEsc / TabStart / Option
The self-proclaimed funkiest vampire in town has finally been pinched by the Holy Mafia. In order to gain his freedom for good, he'll have to defeat the despicable jailors and unravel the Mafia from the inside.
Using Strix Gordo's dark gift, you can swiftly dodge the stake-shooting crossbow guards that would spell doom for any normal vampire. Or, get up close and personal by dashing behind shield-bearing mafioso for that stylish touch.
ControlsKey mappings are based on physical locations, and will vary depending on your keyboard layout or controller choice.
ActionKeyboardControllerMoveWASD / Arrow KeysLeft JoystickDashSpace / Enter/ CSouth Face Button / Right Trigger
PauseEsc / TabStart / Option