SCP: Frontrunners Prototype
A CO-OP FPS Survival Horror set in the SCP universe. The game has you play as MTF Delta-5, a team that specializes in acquiring anomalies of interest to other groups (Cults, private military).
This is a prototype build, I decide to upload it as the game is currently on hold.
If you have any suggestions for the project, feel free to comment on them below.
R to Reload
Alt + R to Check Your 2 Mags
T For Flashlight On/Off
Q or E To Lean Either Direction
Shift To Sprint.
To restart the level, you can either restart the game or bring up the console with ` and type "Open Mansion". You can also go outside the building and press f on the small white cube.
The demon will make a very loud noise when hunting, find some sort of funnel and hold your aim towards it, upon seeing the shadow appear, shoot at it
Opening a door will lower your weapon for a minute, meaning your shots may not hit, try to breach a room with a friend.
Check your corners, cultists can very easily sneak up on you.
Don't forget to check behind you, the cultists will roam the building and occasionally will stroll into the room you're in, in multiplayer, get a friend to hold your 6.
Don't sprint too much, it can take some time for your weapon to raise after sprinting, meaning you might get caught without your weapon.
Don't fully auto the enemies, just put one in the head or a few in the body, your ammo supply is limited to 2 mags and you might want to use some of that in a sticky situation.