Scythe of Souls (LD52)

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This game was made by me and mezzbeans (my wife) over the weekend with use of some free music / sound effects. It's a total of about 9 hours of actual work over the 3 days. This was my first game jam and first game made using godot. I did this to finally make a game, and to learn a bit more about Godot's workflow, and godot 4 in general. 

This project was made with Godot 4 Beta 10

Things I liked about this project

- Double dash feels super nice, I would love to add more less-simple abilities like this.

- I learned a lot about making a game in a short amount of time, and about Godot 4

Things I wish I had time for the project

- Making the upgrades more modular, the idea was to make this a bit like upgrades in hades but time didn't allow for that.

- More time to do up / down movement. Controls are probably what I like least about what I made.

- Time to fix enemies spawning outside of the map, and launching off when outside the navigation area.

Things I would have done different next time

- Not spend time on a not-needed save system (I did this for personal learning though which has it's merit, but for game jam purposes it wasn't needed)

- Put more time into sound effects / music / particles. Lack of feedback was another issue with the game.

- Spend more time of the game jam to work on it, 9 hours total was definitely not enough time to come out with something super polished.


  • WASD
  • Space to attack & dash
  • Click the music icon to toggle music
  • Tab - Buys an upgrade with your souls
  • Num 1 - Save Game
  • Num 9 - Reset Game


  • 15 Souls - Speed
  • 25 Souls - Health
  • 50 Souls - Damage
  • 100 Souls - Scythe radius
  • 125 Souls - Damage (1 hit spectres)
  • 150 Souls - Regeneration - upgrades to 5 health instead of 2
  • 250 Souls - Double Dash - Get two charges for dashing


  • Heroic Demise Soundtrack - matthewpablo -
  • Melee Sound - remaxim -
  • Spectre Enemy - 7SoulDesign -
  • Programming - xaviarrob123
  • Art - mezzbeans
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

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Scythe of Souls (LD52) screenshot, image №3731970 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Jan 13, 2023

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