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Microsoft from Russian
Microsoft from Russian
DISCLAIMER: It's Hard to sink one of your favorite episodes, but what to do, the review should be honest.
PROS: The Graphics of Corsary 3 for 2005 are really surprising by their advancement in comparison with the preshevches. Hardly The graphics can be called masterpiece in general terms, but in terms of the development of the series of any, but plus.
Soundtrack, if I say that the soundtrack is not liked. This is a zest of the corsars: from the very beginning the real music and orchestras were used. That's why the melodies are alive and suitable for entourage.
The Pros are over.
CONS: The Plot is More precisely its absence with an attempt to create visibility of its presence. A more lazy idea to come up is difficult. The Whole story can be painted in one sentence: Nicholas Sharp, the protagonist, the first game was killed 20 years ago, and failed to realize his dream of Libertania, and bequeathed this dream to his children, who with some nonsense should begin to crumble the inhabitants of the archipelago , simply because, and to embody the dream of the father. All. I'd better make it for an hour.
Gameplay is a Complete mockery of the players. Disgusting battle, when at the abortion/seizure of the colony all your members of the troopers can not kill even one soldier, die, and you are forced to run around and shoot each gun, plus the process of fighting fints; Lack of understanding of what is happening, limited list of repetitive monotonous missions, poor animations, degradation in comparison with Korsakov 2 and TD and TP. In a word-sickening.
Bugs and departures are not Enough that in 2005 on the shelves exhibited the version of the game, which banal RUN was impossible, so even after many years and no less number of patches such problems as bugs relentlessly follow Korrami 3. Personally I have a stable screen freeze once an hour, after which you have to run the Task manager and close the game manually. And There's no way to fix it. Well, that was often maintained.
General indignation from the Haltour Game came out so bad and made on the curve of the knee, that the developers have written in it cheat codes on the name of the ships, so that IT could pass at least somehow. I Doubt it's a game of benefit.
TOTAL of Corsars 3. I don't Have enough words to completely vent my outrage. It's not just a step back in the series, it's a fall down, a slap in the PDM and a PKM. It is a Pity, of course, that the K3 failed, nevertheless it was thanks to them that the VL and GPK appeared, and then the COP, which saved the series. Out of the Fire!
For Those who are not familiar with the Korsarov series, this product is NOT recommended for purchase. The Others, who suddenly had a feeling of nostalgia or just never managed to play in the third part, or just for the collection-why not.