Second Chance UPDATED
Second Chance is a free to play otome game that is created by Aurora22:
More information about this game is here on this link.
I was chosen to edit her game since English is not her native language. I fixed most of the grammar along with some awkward sentences. I will be looking at the script for the second time just to review my first edited draft. While I do that, take a look and comment on how the writing looks like for now.
Donations are welcome to have Aurora22 to make another game. Maybe I might partner up with her on that.
I have her permission to upload her game here along to have you guys see my edits. She will be making her edits too.
You may give me a private message if you like:
You may also give the creator a private message too:
8/03/17- I looked at the first chapter again and I realized that I missed a bunch of stuff. Fuck me... I'll upload the scripts as frequently as I can. Thank you all for understanding!
8/08/17- Thank you guys for waiting! Chpt 1 and Chpt 2 is done being edited for the second time! A new file has been uploaded!
8/10/17 - Chpt 3 and Chpt 4 has been edited again. A new file is uploaded!
8/11/17- Chpt 5 and 6 has been edited~
8/14/17- Chpt 7, 8, and 9 edited~
8/15/17- Chpt 10, 11, 12 is done~
8/17/17- The game looks good for now. I'll be playing it and look over the details at my spare time. I will be making a walkthrough or the creator will do it for me... XP for you guys thanks so much for your patience!
8/19/17 - I uploaded a straightforward walkthrough if you guys want to cheat your way through the game or see all the endings. If there's something wrong, then give me a PM by using my Gmail.
*Spoilers*: I noticed that in chapter 2 or whatever when Osario was doing the second ritual. I messed up the code a bit. I fixed it right up. Sorry guys!