Secret mAgent 008
Hello, Secret mAgent 008! It's simple mission, but need test some new inventions:
MaGun - oldlike "Magic Gun - 1317". Best weapon for this mission.
Not use skills - types of bullets for MaGun. Not use him! It's just for beauty.
Red clock - show your self-feeling If you health is norm - they show to "12", else - your business is bad.
Blue clock - show your magic dust. Every skills need magic dust,but is synthesize from air by time. We call this "magarodustorperolymanadyisis", or simple "mana".
UPD: Magent! If you under coronavirus - not go to job!
Assingnment: At this time, you must clear the Nonhairaptus Island from aborigines for secret crabfarm. When complete - just call me.
All sounds - it's my voice and/or my wife's voice.
Made for "Jamingtons 8.0 Quarantine Jam" and just for fun =)