Secret Santa (itch) (Paul Nicholas)
"In today's world of modern home security, Santa's job of delivering presents gets tougher every year!"
Your Mission:
- To deliver all of the presents without making too much noise
Created as part of #PICO8 Advent Calendar 2018, organised by @Bigaston.
FEATURES:- Six "Christmas Movie"-themed houses
- (inc. the BIGGEST building from a Christmas movie!)
- Four secret tools for assisting in modern-day present deliveries
- Many security obstacles, including:
- Motion-sentitive cameras!
- Laser trip wires!
- Pressure floor pads!
- Guard dogs!
- Sensitive sound monitor - remember to keep quiet!
- Records your best times - per-level + overall
- Code, Art:
- Paul Nicholas (@Liquidream)
- Paul Nicholas (@Liquidream)
- Music, SFX:
- Chris Donnelly (@Gruber_Music)
- Chris Donnelly (@Gruber_Music)
- Additional code snippets that I used/adapted:
- Advanced Micro Platformer - Starter Kit by Matt Hughson
- v1.0:
- Initial version