Sei Shōjo Sentai Lakers III
In the sequel to Sei Shōjo Sentai Lakers II Akira and his team have successfully fended off Rayott's assault and are enjoying a brief peaceful time. However, an enigmatic masked enemy known as Neos Bullard appears on the stage. Aiming to capture the power of Laker crystals, Neos Bullard and his minions invade Earth, taking the Lakers by surprise.
This installment in the series features a very similar tactical combat system, granting each character a variety of attacks with different ranges that deplete special points. It differs from its predecessors by having much more developed adventure-like visual novel segments. The game has an internal clock for each day, and the player is free to choose various locations within the school and the city from a menu. Each such visit advances the clock by a certain amount of time. Depending on the player's choices different scenes can be unlocked.