SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash reviews

Translated by
Microsoft from French
Youp! It would finally be so much to talk about my guilty little pleasure the series of the Senran Kagura. Good let's go straight to the heart of the subject, the breasts, the nipples and the chick in bathing suit everywhere, everywhere * 0 * the paradise of the mamelles is in our wear * 0 * voila, thank you. See you soon! =) Good, doubtful joke truce... Let us try constructive beings. Yes SK is a series with excessive fan service, all the girls that have played (with the exception of Mirai) have big breasts and are often aged 17/18 years. To believe that in video games or there are Shinobi there are big Lolo... Apart from this bouncing aside, let's go to the game in itself... SK PBS is the third of the series or have played the schools Gessen and Hebijo (plus that of Hanabi, Renka and CIE) the first being (I count the games released on consoles PS) Shinovi versus, and the very good summer versus. So it is the third, and the only translated in French. * 0 * what has the merit of being precise. Good after, the dialogues do not fly high, and have often talked about girl in bloom and nénés or "humidity"... But my time is mostly the gameplay that is most interesting in SK, more than the Visual novel aspect during the dialogue phase. Have can say what they want, but the gameplay of SK is always super handy and Nice. The fun is instantyear, even if the game does not last more than a few minutes... In the case of SK PBS have come out of the hack'n slash aspect of previous titles to go over to the GST, and our little ninja sees himself with a water pistol in the place of Katana or kunai... And for my part, the sauce takes quite a bit, it will remind us a little splatoon, in the battles to water the buttocks and everything * 0 *. The maps are often large, and there are moult enemies to get wet at leisure. Have thus access to several characters (good thirty nothing but without the DLC) and moult water weapons (from the double pistol, to the sniper, Bazooka, rocket launcher, shotgun...) to satisfy our desire for battles of water fierce while waiting for the summer... So they chose a character on a team of 5, the others being the allies. I notice that the AI of the allies when it comes to drawn on the enemies do not have so bad, and it often happens to me to finish a map by having degommer only 2/5 of the enemies, the others having been drowned under the water Raffles of the Allied. Our character has thus three core core 100 PV, and cards to play for beings in support (power in other words), and if really the enemies gets too sticky, a blow to the body has body. So may have slipped, and shoot, jump, run etc... Once the enemies (a Ninja girl from a school) degommer have can make a "finish naughty" or have pulls with a ♥ ♥ ♥ p. ♥ duck on the so-called maiden, and next or have pulls, down, or the top falls. What a delight to the fan of ecchi. The cards to play and collectibles mentioned above are divided into 3 categories:-the character card granting an attack, shield, speed bonus, PV etc... -weapons cards, rifle, Bazooka... * the Allied cards (small fart next to us and pulling or other) have can also improve these cards in the amount of level with the doubles in our possession (and this for any card, no need to have the Bazooka card, to improve it) and also, improve weapons, and our character (increase in life). When at the game in itself it is pretty, colorful and refreshing =) the music is nice, and sticks after the festive atmosphere of the title. I have not done multi yet, cantonant me to do the different fashion story and tournament in game (3 mode of difficulty), and unlock all the characters, clothes etc... so I can not give an opinion at the moment. As for the bugs, I have nothing uh, except a bug on one of the free DLC, the shiny bikini, the colors 6/7 make the game crash... Apart from this one (which has been corrected) no other bug... The DLC, people make their "not happy" about the exorbitant price of DLC, but hey, have is not obliged to take them (and then when have seen the Sims, doa5lr or farming Simulator, DBF, these same...), the game itself is already quite provided and playable. They're just bonuses. However I recognize that the prices (especially the characters) are quite elever... But everyone is free to take them or not, his does not change anything to the pleasure of the title. and its does not affect the multi (being mostly DLC clothes or accessory...) In short, for my part, I recommend this game. Pass the very pronounced ecchi of the series, it is a very good game, without taking a head, and fun to play several. And then these good what, these sexy p'tete, but have not to die... Plus, these fun, and TPS with water pistol battles, its not short the streets =) on this, has more in the bus!!!
The life of a shinobi in training is a difficult one and there is seldom any time for relaxation. So how to you keep your Ninja skills fresh but have a relaxing summer vacation with your friends. By having a LiveStreamed water-gun tournament!

This is essentially the plot behind the latest Senran Kagura title, Peach Beach Splash, an event hosted by a mysterious benefactor that sends the busty ninjas of the series to a water park for a Water Gun Tournament with the magical rule that the winners get to have whatever they desire.

Now if you haven’t played a Senran Kagura game, these titles usually involve a school of ninjas kicking plenty of ass and then having a one-on-one showdown with other ninjas from other schools, this usually ends in cloth ripping action that leaves one or more fighters too embarrassed to keep going. It’s ridiculous, but the gameplay is solid and can be a lot of fun if you can get around the perverseness of the titles.

Peach Beach Splash (henceforth called PBS because I’m too lazy to write it all out each time) doesn’t hide the perverted nature of the game, constantly reminding you that you’re playing a game with female characters having especially large chest area and wearing beach attire that might be a little too tight for some.

This is actually one of the features that makes PBS great, the game isn’t afraid of making fun of itself and still delivers a game that is a surprisingly deep shooter that is a blast to play. Most matches involves 5 on 5 battles in which players can choose one of their favourite Senran Kagura girls and select a water gun of their choice, from fine-aimed weapons like the Water Pistol and a Water Sniper, to rapid fire blasters like the twin pistols, gatling gun and assault rifle, to powerful weapons like the hose and bazooka.

Then we’re thrown into a fast pace watergun war where your objective is to get your opponent as wet as possible. Matches are usually quick bouts between the two rival team, or a horde of cannon fodder enemies that can quickly surround you if you’re not careful enough.

Since this is a game with Ninjas, you can expect everything to be fast. While the characters themselves are quite quick, they are helped by a water pack that can help them slide, double jump or hover at the cost of some of the water in their tanks. This forces players to think about the use of their weapons and abilities as refilling water can leave them open for attacks.

To accommodate the fast pace action, the game gives you two different ways of aiming, an automatic targeting system which you point your girl in the direction of your opponent lock on and start blasting, or a manual “spray’n’pray” mode. Given the speed and the frequent dodging, I recommend using the Automatic targeting, which surprising doesn’t take away from the fun of the battles.

Aside from waterguns, players can also do a melee attack to stun opponents and open them up for attacks. Players can also use trading cards earned by completing matches or spending in-game cash, which can help bring in special abilities to the battle. Duplicated cards can be sold for XP towards weapons, abilities and to the characters themselves.

Matches end when all players are down, however players generally have the ability to pick their allies back up. There is a perverse way of stopping of course, by walking up to a downed opponent and using a ducky watergun, spray water on the downed opponents chest, butt or face until their swimware falls off. There is no nudity in this as it is censored in a bright light, but it does serve as an embarrassing end to an opponents battle and at the same time gives you extra points.

Most of PBS content contains a story mode for all the Shinobi Academies participating in the event, which gives them a good 10 missions of play each, plus several different challenge modes and a great online mode. For those who like to play dress up, players can purchase customizable items and swimsuits, then dress up their favourite Ninja.

For those who like using the PS4 share feature, the Shower Room contains a diorama section allowing you to set up a scene with the characters and take fun screenshots.

If you can get past some of the more perverted features and jokes in the game, Senran Kagura is just a fun, light-hearted shooter that is just an absolute blast to play. I highly recommend to give it a try.
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