What is the best melee weapon of the series?View Poll
What game has the best version of the Shotgun in the series?View Poll
Hello! I'm a big SS fan and have been trying to collect every single game. I'm currently trying to find a way to play palm OS. Are there any emulators or other tools that can help with my issue?
What game has the best version of the Double Barreled Shotgun?View Poll
Which game has the best Sub Machine Gun /Assault Rifle?View Poll
This may seem insignificant to some of you, but I've been playing fps games inverted for almost 3 decades. Last night I started SS4 and everything worked fine. Now, I've booted the game tonight, loaded my save and invert look does not work, like, at all. I've reset options to default and popped the option back on, still nothing. Tried closing and reopening the game, nothing. Tried starting a new game file, nothing.This can't just be a fluke. I've never seen this happen in a game before.
Which game has the best version of the Minigun?View Poll
Which game has the best version of the Grenade Launcher?View Poll
First of all I want to thank Croteam for their amazing work on the Serious Sam series. 4 really is their best work and I can't wait to see where it goes from there. I only have one problem with the games and it has to do with the way playing on a controller feels.I fired up SS4 yesterday and couldn't quite put my finger on why, but the controller aiming felt super off for me. I did some digging and found the game uses square deadzones and very large deadzones. Someone already made a very thorough post about it which I'll link below, but this is really going to affect my enjoyment of the games.Please, Croteam - if you're listening...I really want to enjoy SS4. The way the controls are now is really going to negatively affect the experience. I'm not sure if the console versions have the same aiming setup, but if they do, all controller gamers will be appreciative of at least options to change these settings. You guys set the bar for options in the menus. Please throw controller players a bone. It will improve past and future Sam games significantly for us.Link to previous post by other redditor who did great research is below.https://www.reddit.com/r/SeriousSam/comments/hdx1li/serious_sam_controller_issues_and_requests_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
Which game has the best version of the Rocket Launcher?View Poll