Sewage Control
Made for Ludum Dare 42 - The theme was "Running out of space"
Sewage Control started out as a simple intepretation of of the theme.
Tetris, a game where you are already running out of space, but with yet another challenge. Sewer!
You are a mysterious person that have the ability to clear out sewer playing
tetris with mysterious squishy blocks that somehow make their way down tha manholes.
Use your abilities to protect the people on the streets.
While you are fighting the falling pieces,
you also have to battle the sewage clogging up.
To fight back clear lines. Clearing 4 lines will clear all the sewage.
While the game is a rather simple twist on tetris I had a great time making it
,and I am already looking forward to the next LD where
I get some sort of idea/actually have time to do it
- Esc - Pause
- Up - Rotate
- Down - Soft landing
- Left/Right - Move piece left/right
- Space - Hard landing
- C - Hold item
What I used:
- C
- SDL2,image,mixer
- Aseprite
- Sfxr
Source on GitHub