Shadow (itch) (Pablo Abraham)
This is a game made for the game jam Ludum Dare, where the theme was: "The more you have, the worse it is".
In our game you are a shadow-made person who needs to escape through a door made with shadows, but for this door to open you need to push 3 blue buttons across the scene. You can push these buttons by jumping on them.
Shadow Symbol
Every time you use a skill, the symbol above your head fills up a bit. When the symbol is complete the character dies.
W, A, S, D - move
W + W - double jump
Space - Dash
M - Attack
N - Change Form
The character has two forms, each one with different abilities:
Shadow Mode:
- Double Jump
- Dash
- Character can be killed if you spend too much time exposed to lights
Solid Shadow Mode:
- Attack
- Light Protection
- Character can interact with things in the physical world, such as stairs and buttons, but now can be seen by monks (enemies)
Characters and Animations: David Bampi
Environment: Darwin Andrei
Programming: Pablo Abraham