Shadows or Fragments

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Shadows or Fragments is a game created by Charlie Rennicke, and features new spins on old systems of combat and choice.  Follow Adveh and Freyah as they journey into the forest and unravel the mystery behind the Shadows, creatures coming from deep inside of the woods.

COMBAT: A unique spin on turn based combat.  Partners where dependence is vital, as they will be buffing and supporting each other every turn.  5 limit to moves to minimize overwhelming choices and focus and curt strategy.

STORY: 5 rest points exist in the world, and at each spot you make a choice that affects the ending of the game.  Will you make impactful choices, or struggle to find the right words to say?

History: Created from a love of lore, Shadows or Fragments contains rich history and thought out events.  Hidden around the map are items that hold a historic meaning and a bit of flavor... text!  Try to find them to help understand the world of Shadows or Fragments.

HELLO, quick side note coming from Charlie, this was a game I started in the summer of 2019 and finally finished in summer of 2020.  It's been so much fun to make and to play, but sadly the final product came out a bit... goofy.  It worked fine in the Unity editor, but when I tried to export it, textures were lost and aspect ratios never came out correctly.   So, this is it.  The final product.  If you could, don't play in full screen.  It won't look as good but it would still work.  If you don't mind that's up to you.  Really I wanna thank you so much for playing or just checking out my page.  If you know me, and know how to contact me, and if by some chance, please God don't let it be, you find a game breaking glitch, please message me.  I want to make a playable game no matter what, so doing that would be really appreciated.

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Not rated

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Last Modified: Aug 14, 2020

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