Ship X Bubbles
WARNING: this game is on development. There is no current Game Over, so if you lose all Hp the game will "Freeze" and you will have to restart the app.
Come to outer space and fight against countless waves of bubbles on this simple arcade game.
Please don't forget to give me tips and bugs to improve and fix the game. I am open to suggestions and ideas to make this game attractive.
Game Features:
-4 types of ships to choose from:
Standar: No special bonus.
Ability: shoot 20 bullets (+1 bullet per Ship Lv) in all directions.
Assault: high Attack and Mov. Speed. Low Hp and Defense.
Ability: Stops the time for 5 seconds (+0.5 second per Ship Lv).
Combat: high Defense and Atk. Speed. Low Mov. Speed. and Attack.
Ability: create a shield to block all damage.
Shield Hp = Ship Defense * (50 + 1 per Ship Lv).
Cargo: high Hp and Mov. Speed. Low Attack and Atk. Speed.
Ability: restores 10 Hp (+1 Hp per Ship Lv).
-Level system and distribution points to improve the ship.
Ship max lv: 12.
For each lv you get +1 point to choose from Hp, Defense and Mov. Speed and +1 point to choose from Attack ,Atk. Speed and N° Bullets.
-9 types of enemies with unique attack patterns.
Blue Bubble: follows the player.
Green Bubble: move to random locations.
Yellow Bubble: He approaches the player. At some distance it begins to spin around you and slowly approach.
Red Bubble: spawns in a random location and explodes after 10 seconds.
Black Bubble: move from up to down and halve Ship attack for 5 seconds.
White Bubble: move from left to right and halve Ship Atk. Speed.
Brown Bubble: follows the player and halve Ship Mov. Speed.
Orange Bubble: follows the player and deals +1 damage for 5 seconds.
Pink Bubble: spawns in a random location and increase its size progressively. The bigger it does, the more damage it deals. When it reaches its maximum size it chases the player.
Plans to the future:
I want to add a lot of things to the game, like extra upgrades, skins, multiple language selection, references to Jojos! and more. but it depends on how much support can I get from people. So, if you like my game, if you think this ... has potential, please support me: download my game, suggest me for more and more!
Things that I have pending to add:
-Game Menu with language selection (I am planning to add Spanish for now); Almanac with enemies information and a shop with funny, attractive and cute skins; settings to disable sfx, music (there is no music yet tho, haha); about screen if you want to contact the developer for suggestions or anything.
-A boss to make the game even harder!
-Fix the enemy spawn rate and difficulty.
-Add animations and improve the art.
-Hmmn... I can't remember what else. Well, see ya!