Shipshift Pronto
Created by Edwin DeNicholas (@edenicholas) for Ludum Dare 35 - Shapeshift. Featuring artwork by Patrick Webster (@tapretsbew)
A shmup where you change the shape of your firing pattern and hitbox formation.
- Move: Arrow keys, WASD, Left Analog Stick on gamepad.
- Shoot: Z key, Left Ctrl, Left Mouse Button, or A button on gamepad.
- Bomb: X key, Left Alt, Right Mouse Button, or B button on gamepad.
- Shift Shape: C key, Left Shift, Spacebar, or X button on gamepad.
- Pause: Escape key, Start button on gamepad.
- Quit: Pause the game and press Q key, Q key again on title screen.
Save Game
- Your high score is saved.
Exit Game
- Press ALT+F4 (Command-Q) to quit
- Pause the game and press Q key, Q key again on title screen.
Font: Samuel Reynolds