Shoobeat is a shoot'em up in which actions are performed in a programmable loop. In each level, there is a goal score that you must reach in order to beat it. Try to optimize the spaceship's actions to get the highest score!
How To Play:
First, choose the actions that the spaceship will perform by clicking on either an action (the panel at the bottom of the screen) or an action slot (the screen in the middle), and then a slot or an action, respectively.
When you are ready to go, click the big play button and watch how the spaceship goes through each of the actions in an infinite loop.
You will probably be killed in a few iterations, but don’t worry! Try a different action-loop and see if you can improve your score until you reach the goal of the level.
This game was made for the Ludum Dare 47 (06/October/2020).
Mario Tabasco Vargas (Programming and Design) - Twitter: @MarioTabasco_
Laura González Pascual (Art) - Twitter: @laurart_gp