Made for Ludum Dare 35 in 3 days while watching a bunch of Robotech and Transformers as I worked lol Planning to turn this prototype into a full game if people dig it. Follow me on Twitter at @BPOutlaws for updates.
Your goal is to get as far as possible, every 100m you trigger a Time Extend. The Ship covers distance faster than the Mech but the Mech is better for clearing out room to fly, gotta' balance back and forth between the two modes.
Enjoy it for free, link it around, and hit me up on Twitter if you put up a Let's Play or play it on a Twitch stream 'cause I love watching other people play my games. Any donations will go toward making the full game! Feedback is appreciated for when I make the full game.
If you want to participate in the discussion, give it a rating on the Ludum Dare site here and let me know what you think!:
- Jeff