A single player space shooter game made with python
# Goal
The goal is to defend your home planet against the aliens.
Kill and shoot as many as you can.
Be careful! You only have 5 lives and your ammo is limited.
# How to runJust download everything provided here and run "" or "main.exe"
If you get any errors make sure you have pygame downloaded or just run "pip install pygame" or "python -m pip install pygame"
# RequirementsAll you need is everything provided here you can download them by zip or git clone them.
They all need to be in the same folder
And a copy of python 3.7 or earlier downloaded.
Also make sure you have the pygame library downloaded.
ControlsMove your player with "W, A, S, D" and shoot with "SPACE"
UpdatesThis is the first version and a lot of updates are going to come out soon
# FeedBack
I would be happy to recieve any of ur feedback no matter if it's positive or negative.
Thank you for playing :)