Shriek of Obligation: Zombeans
You are in a graveyard shooting copies of Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash at various Zombeans. Your goal is to get the highest score possible while keeping your health above zero.
Make sure to reload your ammo at your friendly neighborhood Stove once it reaches zero.
KEYWHAT IT DOESWMove Up AMove Left SMove DownDMove Right Left ShiftSprintLeft Mouse ClickShootMouse Move LeftMove camera left Mouse Move RightMove camera right EscClose the game
How to Play:
Shoot Zombeans to increase your score.
Normal Zombeans take two hits, Fast Zombeans are fast but take one hit, and Big Zombeans are slow but take three hits.
If your health reaches zero, it’s Game Over.
Once your ammo reaches zero, you must reload at the Stove. You cannot reload before running out of bullets.
You cannot heal once you lose health to add some difficulty.
I created the Stove, graves, and grave text myself.
Projectile textures from Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash for the Nintendo 3DS made by Skip Ltd. and published by Nintendo (front and back cover art).
2D sprite grave from SpongeBob SquarePants Season 3, Episode 46b "One Krabs Trash" by Stephen Hillenburg and Nickelodeon.
(The sensitivity is better in the downloaded version than the browser version for some reason.)