SIM - 2150
This is a multisensory narrative-driven virtual-reality (VR) experience that allows the player to experience the effects of climate change on the animal kingdom in a direct, relatable and emotionally resonant manner.
In the narrative, the player is a future researcher hoping to better understand how climate change has affected the world and how these effects will translate to the future. For the Arctic, the focus is on global warming from greenhouse gasses causing the melting of the polar ice caps. For the savannah, urban development, wildfires, and poaching caused the ecosystem’s decline and destruction through droughts and desertification.
The simulation has a virtual guide that walks the player through every aspect of the game, by providing introductions, instructions, animal information, and so on. In its original presentation the game also has a physical installation with heaters and fans to mimic environmental effects in the game in a way the player can experience. The in game audio triggers an Amazon Echo using customized wake words to turn on the fans and heaters, which allows the installation to be easily replicated with minimal resources. We have uploaded the software here for posterity and may upload a manual to replicate the installation shortly.