SimCity (2013) posts

Expansion items/question
MZM8RD Needing expansion items and storage items Are there any benefits to expanding the beach besides population? What are the benefits of the Vu tower?Should I unlock the airport?
Hey Mayor, join me in SimCity BuildIt and bring your city to life. Use this code to add me to your friend list: 69ZHKF
Invisible Garbage? Anyone seen this?
White squares? Not newto sim city but recently started a new one. I don't understand the white squares. Never seen them before. It should be able to see the items.
Sim City 2013. Won't launch.
Cities Skylines - City 2 - #73
Friend Code DGJGZ9
I am new at game and I think playing with more people will be easier than playing alone, people who want to help I will be happy with that
8MS22N add me as a friend
Add me: TNZDFJ
Streetcars: line or loop?
Title. Should I have my streetcar snake throughout the city and just end on the opposite side of the map, or should it be one big circuit? I'm aware of the random flipping directions, but I don't know if that plays into the decision, or whether one way is proven to be better than the other.
I'm new! Friendcode: 28V6TK
What is the point of this?? Ad powered factory.
I got it today and it lets you watch an ad to produce items for 10 mins and I selected glass. It pauses after 10 mins and you have to watch another ad. And you can only watch 10 of those a day. As soon as I finish producing this glass I’m removing this useless factory. Idk how long that will take tho