Simple Turtle - Logo turtle simulator
Create simple programs with commands to control the Turtle and draw amazing images!! Use for STEM, Coderdojo or similar coding events.
INSTANT ON / OFF = Turns on / off immediate execution of commands
FD x = Forward x pixels
BK x = Backward x pixels
RT x = Right by x degrees
LT x = Left by x degrees
PU = Pen Up (Do not draw)
PD = Pen Down (Draw as normal)
REPEAT x = Creates a loop to run x times which runs any commands within the loop. Place END when closing loop.
END = Closes a REPEAT loop. (Loops can be nested)
PEN x = Color of pen (0 - 7)
RUN = Runs the current list of commands shown on screen
CLEAR / CL = Clears the command list
RESET = Clears commands and resets your Turtle
SAVE filename = Saves a png of the working graphic to your documents folder
QUIT = Exits the program