Sin and Punishment - Successor of the Earth

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Sin and Punishment is a rail shooter and shooting gallery video game co-developed by Treasure and Nintendo. Originally published by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64 in 2000, Sin and Punishment takes place in the near future of 2007 when humanity is struggling with a global famine. Scientists develop a new species to raise as food, but the creatures revolt and war breaks out. The player takes on the roles of Saki and Airan as they fight to save Earth from destruction. The game employs a unique Nintendo 64 controller layout, utilizing both the D-pad and control stick. This control scheme allows the player to strafe, jump, and dodge around the screen while simultaneously aiming the targeting reticle. The player must shoot at enemies and projectiles while also dodging attacks to survive and progress through the game.
The development of Sin and Punishment lasted longer than usual for the era. Development commenced in 1997 with only four staff and concluded in 2000 with more people involved than in any of Treasure's previous projects. The guiding inspiration to develop Sin and Punishment was the design of the Nintendo 64 controller. Treasure wanted to make a game that had the player holding the left side of the controller instead of the right which was typical across the system's library. The Treasure team encountered difficulties programming the game, citing the system's complex 3D rendering capabilities and difficulties adapting 2D gameplay ideas into 3D environments. Originally titled Glass Soldier by Treasure, the game was retitled to Sin and Punishment by Nintendo, wanting a name that stood out.
Sin and Punishment was released to positive reviews. Critics highlighted the game's intensity and flashy graphics, and particularly pointed out Treasure's ability to reduce the game's polygon count to maintain smooth gameplay action while still keeping the graphics stylish. Since the game was never released in the west, it grew a cult following among import gamers, and it quickly became one of the most demanded titles for the Wii Virtual Console after its announcement. It was finally released in western territories through the Virtual Console in 2007 to positive reviews. In retrospect, Sin and Punishment is considered one of the best Nintendo 64 games. It was ported to the iQue Player in China in 2004, and a sequel was released for the Wii in 2009, Sin and Punishment: Star Successor.

Release date
Age rating
13+ Teen
Other games in the series

System requirements for Nintendo 64

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Last Modified: Nov 23, 2022

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Sin and Punishment - Successor of the Earth reviews and comments

When someone thinks about shooters and Nintendo the first thing coming to mind is Star Fox, the truth is, the more the time passes, the more I think that Star Fox is a false Messiah and the true king is Sin & Punishment.

The first time I heard of this game was in a Nintendo Magazine back in 2000, it said something along the lines that it was already claimed as one of the best if not the best game of the N64, years later, having played it, I can assure that is one of the best and I can see why someone would consider it the best.

The game has a lot of strong points, especially things that you didn't see a lot in that generation of consoles, the themes they used, the story and even some amazing camera angles, make this game way ahead of its time. The story is cool and a little convoluted, the voice acting is terrible (English only) so maybe when finishing it you would want to check al little bit more on the internet. Going to the gameplay, it is solid but has some clumsiness giving the design of the N64, it functions but is far from perfect, if you play this on the Wii U's Virtual Console, you will want to arrange the buttons for better playability. The challenge is very good, it first starts easy but because this is a fast passing game, also the difficulty spikes a nice chunk in the middle of the story, thankfully the game gives you a lot of continues and is not that hard to attain more, so almost everyone can finish it if they put the right mind to it. The music is not that great but it goes pretty well with the mood of the stages, save from one or two cinemas where serious stuff is happening but the music is kind of upbeat and energic.

As a conclusion, there are certain things that I don't like but they're minimal, compared to the ones that this game brings to the table, If you're considering playing this game, please do it in a legal way, is very cheap and is a precedent to Nintendo that we still want "obscure" Japanese shooting games.
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