Skelltuns Boxbuilders

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Skelltuns Boxbuilders is a prototype sandbox game focused on creating things and unusual, unconventional mechanics. Some of these mechanics may change in updates. Some bugs may become features. Some features may become bugs.

Bugs may become flies, which are to be eaten by frogs as fast as possible. Frogs may or may not randomly gain the ability to become toads. None of this has to do with the game. The game does not have flies. Or toads. Or frogs. Or insects or spiders or anything of the sort. For now at least. It might later. It also probably has bugs, of the programming kind.

Have I mentioned it's unfinished?

Current features:

  • Placing squares
  • Jumping with space
  • A bizarre, ominous opening text crawl that may or may not mean anything
  • An as-of-yet-unused ending text crawl that also may or may not mean anything
  • You can attack with your sword with the f key, this might not be finalized
  • Movement with wasd
  • Currently you can place squares on yourself, at first I was gonna fix that but then I realized it actually could be a fun movement option. Will probably tweak to be more satisfying later, or could fix if nobody likes it?
  • Weird disjointed player hitbox that will probably be made better later or something or at least the sprite will be adjusted if not?
  • The signature Boxbuilder: It places squares with left mouse, and removes with right mouse. You will be able to choose between multiple square modes to experiment with, but for now, you only can work with grass placement mode. This... doesn't work how it sounds like it does.
  • Music! (And none of it is for in-game yet, just for the title screen and text crawl!)

Planned features:

  • Bugs (but like, they're actually intentional features that just resemble them, totally not me trying to absolve myself of future bugs that actually are just bugs)
  • More square types with different mechanics
  • A proper threat: The Skeelations, fake skelltun-like automatons made of bones from any number of variety of creatures, and possibly things that also aren't bones.
  • The ability to save worlds (yes, I seriously haven't even implemented that yet. I said this was early, I meant it!)
  • In true Skelltuns fashion, the game won't really feature a true failure state, but it may feature something vaguely resembling one more than other Skelltuns games do.
  • Achievements? They may or may not end up being the main objective and this might or might not turn into a game about literally just hunting down achievements as the main progression, like a certain popular Flash game that parodied achievements.
  • Control remapping, dear gosh this is important but I do mean it when I say this is early along
  • A proper UI
  • Better world generation
  • Honestly can I even call the current world generation "world generation" as is??? So maybe just world generation in general depending on how you count it.
  • Oh yeah as of now there isn't even like, a cursor to indicate where squares are being placed, whoops

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is extremely early in development, and will be worked on whenever I feel like it. There is no promise this will ever become a finished game.

ALSO IMPORTANT NOTICE: Skelltuns Boxbuilders is not Skelltuns 4! This is a spinoff with its own plot, its own design goals, and which may even later be made non-canon to the rest of the series. By extension, this game does not require nor expect any familiarity with other Skelltuns games. Consider this a viable starting point, if for some reason you needed one other than Skelltuns itself.

Release date
Happy Frog Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Apr 3, 2023

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