I made this game for week 113 of the Weekly Game Jam; I wrote the code and made the sounds, while my friend JustTor did the art. The week's theme was "Five Minute Hero". I figured the majority of the games for this week would feature a five minute time limit - I ended up with a five minute time limit for this game as well, but that was mostly a nice coincidence. The main "five minute" part of the project that was inspired by the theme was that in this game, you manage a datacenter in which all the computers have clocks that are off by five minutes, and you have to get them to all synchronize by either rebooting them or permanently breaking them.
I did have the time to add a playable tutorial, so luckily not much need to describe how to play the game here; long story short, this is a puzzle game where there's a cluster of servers which talk to each other. Some servers are skewed/corrupted, and you have to reboot/smash them to get the unbroken servers back to normal operation; if you smash too many servers/reboot too many at once, you lose. If the time gets past 6PM, you lose. I think it turned out more fun than I expected, to be honest.
The Escape key will pause the game.