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A minesweeper game made in under 3 hours for TriJam #49 from 9pm to midnight 12/15/2019. All assets---art assets, sound effects, music, and code---were made by myself in under three hours.

Left-click the boxes to reveal them. Right-click to mark boxes with !! flags for yourself, intended for marking where you believe skulls are. If you click a skull, it's game-over. A revealed box shows how many skulls are adjacent to it, both orthogonally and diagonally.

Needs some visual polish, and the game needs to dynamically craft the level when you make the first click to ensure that first click is never a skull, whereas the level is built on startup so you can always just click a skull from the get-go if you're unlucky. But minesweeper has always been a very punishing, RNG-heavy game. Still, that's something I'd like to fix but didn't have time.

Theme Death Is Not The End

Not a great use of theme. The spooky dead skulls are not at their end... because they've come back to haunt you~?? 

I had intended to put some weird twist on the game to fit with the theme, where your previous losses would impact your future runs or they would bleed together or there'd be an element of corpse-running or something... but I didn't have time and ended up with just a pretty standard minesweeper clone.

Release date
Gunnar Clovis
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for Web

Skullsweeper screenshot, image №2259915 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Dec 20, 2019

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