Slime Together (jcsoup, stripeytofu)
A short game made within 48 hours for the GMTK Game Jam 2021, following the theme of "Joined Together".
All code, art, and audio was created from scratch over the duration of the game jam.
It seems many are having trouble with level 4. I have added a solution for level 4 at the bottom if you are stuck, my apologies!
A/D - Left/Right
Space - Jump
Esc/Tab - Pause
Programming, Audio, SFX, Level Design: jcsoup
Art, SFX, Level Design : stripeytofu
The slimes can jump off of each other!
Run and jump with the blue slime towards the corner on the right. You want to try and get the blue slime above the pink slime so the pink slime can jump over the wall and combine with the other pink slime .
Once you have a big pink slime and big blue slime , you want the slime to jump on top of each other in the middle of the map so the slimes both stay suspended in the middle of the screen.
Then you want to roll the blue slime slightly to the left and pink slime slightly to the right and jump to reach the flags in the corner of the map!
Link to video solution: