Slime Vs Mold
Play as a slime mold! You are trying to live your life on some bathroom tiles when a mold started to move in on your territory!
This game is a real time simulation of mold growth! Prepare to wait hours or even days between moves! A single match can take months!
The game continues to play even when it is closed, so feel free to not watch the action!
"It's like strategic watching paint dry!" -a satisfied player
Even if it doesn't look like anything is happening, I assure you it is! It's just a very slow game!
Arrows move the cursor.
Z selects a tile.
When a tile is selected, the arrows will toggle the directions your slime will try to spread from that tile. Pressing Z again will increase how much of your slime is sent from that tile. X unselects.
The more slime you have on a tile, the faster it will reproduce.
Happy sliming!