Sliming Away (Its_F4llen)
Go In The Mad Kings Castle And Save Your Friend Billy!
You Have To Go Through all the floors, Doging The Enemie Slime And The spikes and get to the doors, but the twist is that you can only push yourseft with you bullet to get to the door.
Sliming Away is a Submision for the crudle game jam #17, With the theme "Bite The Bullet"(doing something dificult or unplesant)(You'l get through the game in 5-10 min)
The Controls :
-To create a Butllet use left click
and that bullet will folow the mouse.
-To pass the cutscene use enter.
-Use "R" To Restart The Level
And "Esc" To Go Back To The Menu
Credits: Everything was made by Its_F4llen In Unity.