Long time ago the Great race of human, who are famous for their desire to seize every piece of the universe, conducted another experiment on living creatures. This time they found a planet, populated by strange half-transparent half-turbid jelly-like entity that secrete useful mucus. Humans built their factories and power plants, supplied by the planet core. Eventually need in mucus reached enormous scale, power plants grew bigger, slimes gradually overpopulated the planet. Humans didn't stop. They never stop. When year 7179 came, several milleniums since start of the Heist, resource of the planet core was exhausted enought to stop the supplement of power plants. Humans left. Slimes were supposed to die slowly. But some of them evolved and kept their lifes. Milleniums were for them to improve their mind, millenniums were for them to suffer from freezing winter. But now everything changed.
There is a way to heat the core. Humans left some nuclear fuel and it can be used to hit the core with neutrons. Only slimes need is to find it, moving through deadful cold.
Collect wood to keep your campfire longer next level, as you can heal your jumps near it.
Collect fuel to save the planet.
And don't slip, if you can!
Made by:
Ilia Koloiarov and Stepan Starovoitov