This platformer tells the story of a fantastic animal, the great abominable snowman, the Yeti. The story begins after a hunter cruelly murders the protagonist's mother, named Slippo, to acquire the skins as they are priced very high in the international market.
Your goal in the game is to navigate the different snowy and rocky landscapes, until you reach the base where the murderous hunter of the mother den Slippo is sheltered.
Your character will have different skills that will be very useful when moving through the maps such as: hook, roll, wall slide... you will have to master them to finish your mission!
Game controls
- W: Jump
- A: Move left
- S: Crouch / fast descent flight
- D: Move right
- Space: Roll
- Right click: Attack
- ESC: Pause / Back
- R: Restart
- Mouse: To select menus.