Snake Classic reviews

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Microsoft from Russian
— My name is Solid Snake Feel old for 19 rubles. This is the oldest good snake with the Nokia 3310. There's even the same screen resolution. Very impressed the mode of the carved python. Also attached are 4884 achievements with the names of snakes. Never thought there were so many species. In fact cognitive and quite original.
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
= = = [Public] = = = ☐ Children ☑ All audiences ☐ Casual Players ☐ Experienced players ☐ Hardcore Players = = = [Game Modes] = = = ☑ a Local Cooperative ☐ Player ☐ Cooperative ☐ Multiplayer = = = [Graphics] = = = ☐ Potato ☐ Very bad ☐ Bad ☑ are Not bad ☐ Good ☐ Hyper Realistic ☐ Precious ☐ Masterpiece = = = [Quality/Price] = = = ☐ Just Don't do it ☐ return it if you can ☐ Wait for a sales ☑ Normal ☐ Excellent ☐ You Are docking the developer ☐ Free = = = [Performance] = = = ☑ Potato Master Race ☐ Very good ☐ Normal ☐ Meh ☐ Basur A ☐ 1000 Titans V = = = [Difficulty] = = = ☐ You Only need two hands ☑ Easy peasy Lemon squeezy ☐ Normal ☐ Easy to learn but hard to master ☐ Difficult ☐ Dwarf Fortress = = = [Duration of the Game] = = = Very Short ☐ (0-2 hours) Short ☐ (2-8 hours) ☐ A few hours (8-1 2 hours) ☐ Larguillo (± 20 hours) ☑ Long (30-50 hours) ☐ Very Long (50-100 hours) ☐ Infinite = = = [Gameplay] = = = ☐ Walking Simulator ☐ Transmits HIV, care ☐ Normalilla room ☑ Good ☑ Very good ☐ Masterpiece = = = [Innovation] = = = ☑ Call of Duty of each year ☐ Is conserved Or but it is held ☐ Small details ☐ Tries To innovate but fails in the attempt ☐ Innova quite ☐ Revolutionary = = = [History] = = = ☑ Does Not have/Not looking To have ☐ At least is better than Twilight ☐ Average ☐ Good ☐ Fantastica ☐ Masterpiece = = = [Characters] = = = ☐ There is No C Omo Tal ☐ Lack importance ☐ Are there ☐ Normalillos ☑ Memorable ☐ Of the best that exists = = = [Secondary Missions] = = = ☑ has No ☐ Are there to annoy the player ☐ Of errand boy and some interesting ☐ Very well written and different among yes = = = [Bugs] = = = ☐ More bug q UE Game ☐ Bugs that will destroy the game ☐ AC Unity output ☑ normal ☐ The bugs can use to make speedrun ☐ Almost imperceptible = = = [Soundtrack] = = = ☐ Too Much Music ☐ Remove it if you can ☐ Imperceptible ☐ Atmospheric ☐ For each action ☐ Very memorable ☐ Work M Aestra = = = [Final Recommendation] = = = ☐ I Do Not recommend it for anything in the world ☐ Not recommended ☑ Only recommended if you like the proposal ☐ Advisable ☐ Highly recommended if you like the proposal ☐ Highly recommended ☐ The best I've tried in recent years ☐ I Jor I've ever tasted in my life