Snake! (Owen109)
The classic Snake Game but with more too it except, i haven't added much more too it yet but MORE TOO COME, so far i have added a shop with a couple themes you can buy each item is 100 apples for now.
THIS GAME IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT: most if not all UI will be changed and shop we be greatly improved in the future.
1.Arrows or W A S D to change snakes direction.
2."P" to pause the game.
3.At "Game Over" screen press "R" to Restart or "S" to go to the Shop
4.In the shop all items are 100 Apples the UI for the game is no where near complete later in development i will improve the shop but for now everything is just 100 Apples.
And that's all. I hope you enjoy my recreation of the classic game snake