Snowball (itch) (AidanDavis91)
Welcome to Snowball! Snowball is a game about a small snowball stuck in a wind storm trying to get home before he is blow away by the wind, oh did I mention the spikes? Yea you might want to watch out for those... In Snowball the player only has two buttons, they can move left and jump, but what about right you might ask? The only way to move right is to ride the wind and let the storm carry you. The snowball's fate is in your hands will you learn to conquer the storm or will the storm conquer you?
Wall Climbing/Jumping
Start Menu with functional buttons and sound
Pause Menu that pauses and ALSO has functional buttons
Wind Noise and Music
Two Button Player
Raging Wind
Made out of 2D art assets
Move Left "A"
Jump "W"
Pause "ESC"
Note: if you die by the spikes pause the game and select "Menu"