Snowman reviews

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Gameplay Snowman is a Kind of Runner Game. You play a Snowman who rides with Skien over a Snow-covered Surface and has to avoid Obstacles. The Snowman himself drives by himself but can be moved forward or back by Keyboard and jump. Dodge you have to Avoid Ravens, Bears and on the Way Rubble. The Goal is to collect a certain Number of Gifts in each Level. Positive-Sweet Graphics negatives-Extremely annoying Music-bad Control-Random World which builds up so badly that Part can't be avoided. -Menu spins around-The Snowman is huge and has an even bigger Collision box. -Each Level equal, only the Speed increases. So more Difficulty levels than Levels-After about 25 Minutes through, even if you have to repeat Levels because you die. (Without dying about 10-15 min Gameplay Fazit EIn quite funny game for a few Minutes, but after about 5 minutes the Music and the Controls annoy and if you want to make your way through you are after 10-25 Minutes depending on your Skill.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
When you reach level 10-you will die luckily only because of the gameplay, not the story. A Low-Quality product can be seen in the steam at once, when in the field of your sight tricolor, made in Russia or a bear gets. If in the game there is all of the above-congratulations, here is your balalaika. Of Course, in the world of video games Russian developers show so self-irony and tender love for cranberry Motherland, but more often it turns into a dull farce and a completely frank lack. Of Course, there are also wonderful samples of games from domestic developers, but they are so unique that fit to grasp the head "such a country ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ and". The Game about the snowman, which we will talk about, is part of the "bad side" of domestic gambling. Not such, of course, slag, as the game about Dada Ivan, but also not especially. The Gameplay is here... Multi-coca on skis over obstacles, Sispeech scroller-platformer without platforms, but with the obligatory gathering of gifts. Obstacles: Bears in the snow, stones, logs (like my ex) and Crows. If the first three remove only the life of a snowman, the Crows do it with hard-earned gifts-and at once in the number of five pieces. And very often we are put to the choice-to merge one of the few lives or lose gifts. Tip-merge Gifts, if there is no other way, they can be taken anew, and life is found at a much rarer level. Many (as I have) initially can meet one important problem. The first-level start Button does not work. I have long columned, but eventually went to the menu Score and Tuto cut the results, and then the first level was automatically started. If you kill me, I don't know if it's going to work, but it worked. Also, the last tip-at level 10, cut out the sound. At all. There's such a psychedelic starts with music that my head got sick after two minutes of passing. Maybe a bug, and it's just me, I do not know, but I do not advise to check. Or Maybe it is some strange transfer from the developers that should make us all who listened to it... BUY GAMES FROM THIS DEVELOPER?????? Fate is worse than death. Curator put like, subscribe to the curator page and look for new games!)