Soccrawler is a hurried entry to the Dungeon Crawler Jam 2023.
When the time came, I had little time, unfortunately, but couldn't resist throwing something together for this amazing jam!
Control the blue team with ASDW+QE for movement/turning and kick/swap player.
The red team can use the keypad 4,5,6,7,8,9 or the block of keys that consists of Insert, Delete, Home, End and PgUp/PgDown.
Movement points (MPs) are shared between your two players, so you must swap players often. Press the kick/swap button (S or 5 or End) to swap players when not in possession of the football.
Moving without the ball costs 1MP per move; with the ball it costs 2MP.
Sorry it's not very good!! :)In fact, it probably doesn't even reach the minimum requirements of the jam :(
Nb. The performance of the WebGL build is weirdly bad and I can't figure out why, so I HIGHLY RECOMMEND downloading the WINDOWS BUILD.
I got some sounds from ZapSplat
I used Easy Primitive People, Low Polygon Soccer Ball and Stylized Textures Mini Set from the asset store