Solar System Project 1 - Kathryn Nagy
Created by Kathryn Nagy
This is my Solar System project for the Project 1 assignment. I added the following planets:
- Mercury
- Venus
- Mars
- Jupiter
- Saturn
- Neptune
- Uranus
Some of my changes also included customizing materials. I disabled specular highlights for most materials due to aesthetic preferences, along with varying the smoothness of the materials for more realism and variety. As for sounds, most planets now have a very low volume audio source playing the DroneHum sound, in 3D space. Although this simulation is not 100% realistic, since that would make the planets so small and far apart that it would be difficult to click them, I did consider the planets' actual size, distance from the sun, rotation speed around the sun, and rotation speed around their own axes, and kept these in relative proportion across planets.
One design consideration was the fact that some planets are quite distant, and zooming out to include them in view would make clicking on planets very difficult. My solution was to have these planets start at a location on the screen that allows them to be visible for more time after the simulation starts, along with increasing the emission on the materials for Uranus and Neptune to make them more visible.