soundodgerLIVE (Kinect version)
Originally created for IndieCade Night Games 2013, soundodgerLIVE is a full-body movement edition of Soundodger played with a Kinect camera, featuring various artists and reimagined levels from everyone's favorite music dodging game. There are only 12 songs included here, each tailored down to 1 minute while still honoring the spirit of its full level.
A 1.0 Microsoft Kinect camera is required to play (this is the version with a regular USB plug). A projector and other ridiculous setups are strongly suggested, but the Kinect is the only way to interact.
All instructions for setup and playing are in the included readme.txt file. There is also a rough diagram to show the general positioning of hardware when setting up a projector.
Raise Hand: Select level / use slow-mo in game
Move Around: Move around
This is detailed fully in the included readme.txt, but in general: install the proper Kinect SDK, [optionally run the depth check app for camera placement], run the game, calibrate using the keyboard or a controller, [optionally change color mode based on the floor upon which you're projecting / flip image as needed], and have fun!