Soup Rush (tzdevil)
You are a Chef in your own little Soup Shop. One day, while you were serving your soup as usual, you realize that the fire under your cauldron doesn't go out. Your soup is going to burn! You don't have enough time to remake the food, plus lots of people are already demanding for your soup! There is only one thing you can do..
You have to use water, salt, spice and oil to balance out your food's tastiness, burnt ratio and ingredient ratio, while also maintaining your customers' satisfaction.
The end for your soup is inevitable, little chef; but how far can you delay that end?
How to play?
- Drag the Spoon with your Mouse and fill the Plates with dragging Spoon over them.
- Tap on Faucet to fill your Carafe.
- Drag and drop your Carafe over shown position to decrease your Burnt Ratio. This also decreases Ingredient ratio and Tastiness, but increases your remaining food.
- Drag and drop your Salt, Spice or Oil over the shown position in game to add Tastiness to your food. Careful though, too much of those might ruin your Ingredient ratio!
- Refill your Salt, Spice or Oil from top left by simply just placing them in the right spot.
- Drag and drop your filled Soup Bowl to the shown position to serve your Customer. You'll get score based on your time and food stats
You can access the Source Code from GitHub.
Developer Note: This game has been developed in 40 hours by a single person for Ludum Dare 50 Compo mode. This mode demands you to work alone and develop the game in 48 hours, as people call the mode "Hard Core Jam". So as you can understand; it has not been easy, therefore there is no menu nor tutorial nor game over scene, there might be bugs and bad drawn art. But overall, I'm super proud of myself. This was my second Jam of all time and first online jam, a Compo mode one even. I believe from now on, it is just going to get better.