Space Ark (itch)
Space Ark
A small space exploration game about rescuing alien life from their solar system before the sun explodes.
W - go forward
A/D - turn left/right
Shift - boost thrust for more fuel
Space - land when near a planet
We sadly didn't manage to finish the game before the lowrez jam ended.
Things included:
- flying around the solar system and slingshotting yourself around
- mining space rocks for special materials
- landing on planets and departing from planets
- death by crashing into planets
Things yet to be added:
- Shops/resource exchanges on the planets
- upgrades to the ship
- sun exploding
- escaping the solar system
- Art
- ArchieDIV
- Music
- Fogheart
- Development
- bran2
- EvPer
- rasok
- Ste
Made in Godot
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Aug 15, 2022
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