Space-Fighter (LNA-DEV)
This is a school project.
All game assets are made by myself.
It's a game where you can conrol a rocket.
The goal is that none of the Aliens hit the rocket or the bottom of the screen / earth.
You can achieve that by killing the Aliens with the Laser-Gun of your Rocket.
Attention: You can't shoot and move at the same time!The difficulty must come from somewhere^^
Also you can't shoot more than three bullets at a time.
If your bullets don't hit one of the aliens your score decreases by one.
Move north
A / Left
Move west
S / Down
Move south
D / Right
Move east
SPACEShoot Laser
ENTERRestart Game
(Only if GameOver)
Aliens AlienSpecial Ability
RedThe normal alien: Nothing special.
BlueThe speed alien: Moves fast.YellowThe rotated alien: Moves east. (You can kill them but you don't have to. But don't let them hit your rocket!!!)BossThe boss: Has ten lifes. If he hits the earth you take three Damage-Points. If you hit the Boss with your Rocket you only take two Damage-Points. If you kill him you get 15 points and an extra life.
System requirements for PC
System requirements for Linux
Last Modified: Jun 7, 2021
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