Space Maze 3000
Sex- wait what?
Welcome to the new hit from Eyeboxs Games, Space Maze 3000, this creepy game is about dodging ridiculous space stones (Meteorites son of a bitch) and getting a funny score. The music, as you can guess, is from The End is Nigh, made by Ridiculon obviously, because I don't know how to make music, but I know how to do screams of pure agony. Well I don't give a shit so let's continue with the stupid controls (I'm in a bad mood, my dear little bastard):
Little arrows = move lol
"A" = Accept
"Z" = Nothing, get trolled little [GL]ITCH.
Che conchetumare
Bienvenido al nuevo éxito de Eyeboxs Games, Space Maze 3000, este perturbador juego consiste en esquivar ridículas piedritas espaciales (Meteoritos, hijo de puta) y obtener una chistosi-puntuación. La música, como pueden adivinar, es de The End is Nigh (la wiki está en inglés, lamentablemente), porque no sé hacer música, pero sí gritos de pura agonía. Bueno, me importa una mierda, así que sigamos con los controles estúpidos (estoy de mal humor, maldito bastardo):
Flechitas = muévete jajajs
"A" = Aceptar
"Z" = Nada, troleador cara.