Space Mission [ALPHA]
Alpha version: 10
This little game is an old project that I have taken up a long time ago to finish it, now that Just Pong is almost finished, I would like to focus part of my time on this game.
It's simple, each level will have a different theme, for example, survive 30 seconds, or kill X aliens. Every so often, there will be a boss. If this game gets support in the first few days of the alpha release, I'll keep improving it more and more. If it gets past the alpha stage I'll add a story mode and more.
For now there are only 3 levels available, level 1, 2 and 3, which is a boss. ALL THE MUSIC IN THE GAME DOES NOT BELONG TO ME, I say again, if the game reaches a good quality, I will contact Locknar (the creator of the music).
Some "Bugs":
- When you click on "retry" the Button doesnt retry, this is not a bug, just isn't implemented