Space Vanguard (itch)
In the year 2300s, humans reached the stars. A greedy Multi Nonillion company experimented on an ancient Alien to immortalize humans, but they revived Satan and spelled the company's end. The Humanity Spaceship Defense Force (HSSDF) was created to counter the Ancient Aliens. Will this alien parasite threat be stopped, or will humanity lose to this threat of their own greed?
The gameplay of Space Vanguard involves investigating a lost spaceship that has been drifting in space for decades. The player will command a fire team to determine if the ship is safe. Once on the ship, the player will experience the turn-based tactics gameplay where they have to use action points to give commands to the team members. When exploring the spaceship, they have to navigate through a maze map to investigate its origins. But unknown to the team, the Praroth aliens are lurking and waiting in the dark to attack them.
Get To Know UsApplePi Studio was formed on January 17, 2022 for the course “Game Project Studio 2”. This team was created with the freedom where we could choose to work with anyone. This allows the team to adapt quickly as most of us know each other's strengths and weaknesses. The goal of the team is to create a mobile game which the player can enjoy playing on the go with a lot of replayability. The history of the studio was that we had 6 tech members so we want to relate to technology, and we just like apple pie. This led us to creating ApplePi Studio that will develop the game “Space Vanguard”.
ApplePi Studio consist of 1 Designer, 2 Artist and 5 Programmers:
- Emran Islah Halid
- Lead Designer
- [email protected]
- Benedict Chew Kai Jun
- Lead Artist, Character Artist & Animator, Lighting Artist
- [email protected]
- Wong Jian How
- Environment Artist, Designer
- [email protected]
- Muhammad Arif Imran Bin Mohd Iskandar
- Lead Programmer
- [email protected]
- Yue Min Jun
- Programmer
- [email protected]
- Thrishneshvarr Nageen Anantharajan
- Programmer
- [email protected]
- Akmal Bin Zulkifli
- Programmer
- [email protected]
- Evincent
- Programmer
- [email protected]
- Press "Download Now".
- Open "Space Vanguard SOP Beta Build V3.apk" on an Android phone or emulator.
- Install and play the game.