SpaceTrashPirate is a 2D side-scrolling arcade shooter made with the Unity3D Game Engine where your ultimate goal is to defeat Chrokanos the world destroyer.
Start orbiting around small planets and dodge obstacles on its surface. In order to proceed to bigger planets you have to purchase upgrades which can be bought with resources. These resources can be collected by destroying obstacles in space. When you finally reached the maximum level of your warpgate you can face Chrokanos the world destroyer in a direct battle.
Key features- retro style
- upgrade system
- multiple unlockable planets
- challenging multi-phase boss fight
- full gamepad support
Pia Heugel
> 2D Art
Thomas Lenz
> 2D Art
Christian Simon -
> Programming
Trevor Lentz -
Soundcloud Profile
> Music
Keijiro Takahashi -
Github Profile
> Glitch effect
José Guerreiro -
Github Profile
> Outline effect