Spellbound Hearts
"Spellbound Hearts" is a visual novel game that follows the story of Lycos, a vampire trapped in a desolate castle by a powerful spell. Alone and haunted by memories, Lycos encounters Zephyros, a young wizard who enters his domain seeking a drop of his blood to save his village from a plague. As their paths intertwine, Lycos and Zephyros embark on a journey of trust, redemption, and love. Guided by their pasts and a shared purpose, they work together to break the curse binding Lycos and to save Zephyros's village.
System requirements for macOS
- OS: MacOs 10.10
System requirements for PC
- OS *: Windows XP
- Processor: 1Ghz Processor
- Memory: 256 MB RAM
- Graphics: DirectX or OpenGL compatible card
- Storage: 110 MB available space