SpellCast Duel
The game was created withing 48h for GM48 spellcasting.
Overall score was mediocore however won the "stability" award! :)
The actual status shows the entry, however if anyone would like to see an improvement please comment below just to see the interest.
What I would plan:
- 1 player mode (player vs. AI or random enemies)
- Changeale keyboard settings to better fit to any need
- Gamepad support
- Balacing of SFX and background music
- more maps
- consider some game mechanics improvements (eg.: HP for bulidings, able to shoot vertically too, etc)
Player 1
Move - WASD
Shoot - Space
Spellcast - 1,2,3
Player 2
Move - Arrows
Shoot - ENTER
Spellcast - INS, HOME, PageUP
- Heal
- Spells a Creature
- Spells a Building to defend (you can shoot through your own buliding, however the other can't do that)