Spells of Elimination
You're a wizard. You remember that much at least. These scrolls aren't labelled anymore, but one of them must be helpful in this situation. Right?
Seplls of Elimination is a RPG where you don't control precisely which move you use - you pick from a set of face down cards instead. Each move from the set is flipped over when used, and you can't use it again until you reshuffle your hand.
- Click on a card to select a spell
- Click on a target (yourself or enemies) to use the spell
There are 6 levels before the ending of the game
Source code for the game is available if anyone's interested.
Asset Credits:
- Silver Font by Poppy Works
- Spell Sounds Starter Pack by p0ss
- Water Waves by transitking
- Duck Quack by spanac
- Interface Sounds by Kenney
- Casino Audio by Kenney