Splitter Cell

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his is a MULTIPLAYER, Splinter Cell, Mercenarys vs Stealth style game with a top down perspective

it takes TWO PEOPLE to play In order to find a game two people need to look for a match within the same 30 second interval


There are two teams, Mercenarys (guys with torches) and Ninjas (guys with goggles)

Controls: WASD / Arrows to move, Mouse cursor position to rotate. Merc specific: LMB - Fire your gun Ninja specific: RMB - Toggle night vision on/off.

There is a ruby in the center of the map. The Ninjas are trying to steal it and take it to the Green glowy point south of the map… for reasons. If they manage that within the time limit they win.

The mercs are trying to defend the ruby, they have to stop the ninjas stealing it for the time limit. If the time limit expires and the ruby isn’t stolen, they win

you will notice some chrome/neon lit devices, these are generators, You will also see lights scattered around the map and a laser grid defending the ruby from would be thieves!

If a ninja touches a generator , they turn it off, If a mercenary touches a deactivated generator they turn it on

Generators power the lights and the laser grid, if a generator is down, lights and lasers will fail, the more generators are down, the more security systems fail, if all generators are down, all lights and lazers will fail.

Thank you for trying my first multiplayer game <3 Adam - addidy.itch.io

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Not rated

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Splitter Cell screenshot, image №1218170 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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